Fistula is a disease that gives a lot of pain and social embarrassment. Continuous pain and pus make daily routine tough. Despite of having good diet and active lifestyle many people get fistula problem. Following are the main causes of fistula.

Main Fissure Causes

  • 01

    Previous perianal abscess (25-50%)

  • 02

    Infected fissure

  • 03

    Bad hygiene

  • 04

    Secondary infections

  • 05

    Inflammatory bowel disease

  • 06


  • 07



You are susceptible to develop fistula

  • If you have a history of perianal abscess • This is the most common cause of fistula.
    • There are many glands at your back passage that secretes lubricants to keep the passage smooth. If any of these glands may get blocked and infected it leads to abscess formation. It is usually a very painful condition. Once the pus has been drained out surgically or spontaneous from a point near back passage, the pain is subsided but there may lie an infectious track communicating with anal canal. This is known as fistula.
    • A perianal abscess usually leads to the development of fistula in almost 75% of the patients.
    • 25-50% of fistula patients have a previous history of abscess.
    • Even after abscess surgery there are high chances of development of fistula.
  • If you have a long-standing fissure • Fissure is a cut or wound at back passage. If this wound gets infected it may turn into an abscess that eventually lead to fistula.
    • If you are suffering from fissure for very long then you are prone to fistula development. Start taking treatment now and maintain good hygiene.
    • These fistulae are usually small and treatable through ayurvedic medicines.
    • If they do not respond well to treatment then Kshar Sutra Therapy would be the definitive treatment.
  • If you maintain bad personal hygiene • Not cleaning the inner parts properly.
    • Not washing the undergarments properly.
  • If you have unnatural practices • Doing anal intercourse and inserting objects may lead to infection and fistula formation.
    • Avoid these practices.
  • If you have injury at back passage • Any injury at your buttocks may lead to infection and fistula.
    • Rarely, injury because of proctoscopy may lead to fissure development. If it gets infected it may lead to fistula.
  • If you are having any systemic infection • Infections like tuberculosis, HIV and syphilis may lead to fistula.
    • If you have crohn’s disease, diverticulitis or hydradenitis suppurativa, you may develop many fistulous tracks.
  • If you have addictions • Smoking, drinking alcohol, tobacco chewing etc lowers the immunity and the body becomes more prone to catch any infection. This may aid in fistula development.
    • Quit smoking now and totally avoid alcohol if you are having fistula.
    • Continued smoking hampers the healing process.