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Kshar sutra therapy

My dad has undergone the kshar sutra therapy for 8 months old anal fistula on June 7th 2017.. How much time will it take to heal properly? Does it lead toward septic having said that there is flow of puss during healing process? and what measures are to be taken for avoiding such if it does?

Replies (3)

No Side effects,, you can search doctors in your nearby areas... All the best

Replied by Deepak Rathi

Is there any side effects for kshara sutra? How can I choose a doctor because I am not in delhi?

Replied by Sumi

Duration of Treatment depends on various factors mainly including type and location of fistula and also on the age of patients. Flow of pus is normal during the treatment. Keep following the instructions of your treating doctor to expect the desired positive outcome.

Replied by Deepak Rathi

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